"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."

Henry Ellis

September 25, 2007

What does a Grenade Launcher and Boneless Buffalo Wings have in common

They were both discussed during my conversation with The Kid the other night. I didn't really think about it until I hung up with him. One minute we are talking about how well he did on the test he just took, and that he improved his 3 mile sand run time, and he went to a movie over the weekend. He then got all excited that he finally had found a Chili's in San Diego, his favorite meal is the boneless buffalo wings, fries and ranch dressing. We then started talking about what he would be doing next week and he said that it was large arms training, and I STUPIDLY asked what kind, his answer "you know Mom, like grenade launchers, and Gatling guns. I have come to the realization that I will no longer be having a normal conversation with him again. I have a feeling it will only get more surreal...


.... said...

Yeah....large arms.....gives a whole new meaning to those words....once upon a time I thought "large arms" and I pictured big handsome man protecting me with his strong physique....now it's all about who's weapon is bigger...don't use the word gun or it becomes about a different part of their anatomy....see the movie Full Metal Jacket for a nice run down on that!

Eventually you will become more versed in his world....if you want to....I still meet military spouses who have little to no idea what their soldier does after years of marriage....I think it gives them sanity to live in the "cave" of denial....me...well, I lived that life so no denial here....well some, but only because I turn it off when I'm oversaturated....

I do however really like the title of your post....may not look at Buffalo Wings quite the same again myself =)

Tell the Kid I'm proud of him and thank you for what he is standing up to do for us!

Buck said...

ASW: I first encountered the "this is my rifle, this is my gun..." thingie in the book Battle Cry, at the tender age of 12 or so. I never forgot it, either! ;-)

Shelly: Your life will never, ever, be the same now that The Kid is a sailor. And I think that's a Good Thing, but you know what they say about "opinions!" ;-)

Shelly said...

Oh, I forgot "Full metal Jacket"... I don't want to be in a cave.. The more I know the better I feel. Not a head in the sand kind of gal..

Shelly said...

I have never read "Battle Cry"...

I agree with your opinion, It is opened my eyes to viewing our world. It is a good thing for both of us..

Lindsay Gray said...

I have had many a very, very strange conversations with the guys that come through our USO...I never in a million years thought I would be having a conversation about up-armored Humvees and v-shaped hulls but somehow I do, and I think I'm better off because of it!

Claire said...

Hey, it will never be the same, but it makes for some darn good blog material! haha!! Enjoy the ride. It's never boring, that's for sure!

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