"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."

Henry Ellis

September 12, 2007


Why does everything you have to log into, and I mean everything need a user id and password. I usually don't have a problem with that, but it seems that they require longer ones, have to change them every 3 months, and at least 2 symbols. It's not bad enough that I have to remember mine, I have them at work, I have to remember My Geek's and The Kid's. Can't they come up with something better. I have a hard enough time remembering my phone number...


.... said...

I so know what you mean....and today, to have an account with this one thing, I had to have another account linked to it to upload the content, what is up with THAT!!!!

I hate passwords, codes and logins...and then the infamous "forgot your login/password" click here, and it asks you a question, you answer it and it tells you YOU ARE WRONG...hello idiot computer program, I wrote the question and answer....YOU ARE THE ONE WITH THE WRONG ANSWER....

Okay, hopped on your vent, but yep....it's that and the phone system, where in America you have to push 1 for English!!

Buck said...

I have exactly two passwords and they've been the same for, oh, about 20 years now. I used to have only one, but that changed with the advent of the "change your password every 30 days" rule.

No problems remembering them, just in trying to remember which one I used last when it's time to change. The upside is life is much easier this way, the downside is if I'm ever compromised, I'm literally up the proverbial creek...given I use the same two passwords everywhere.

So far, so good...

Shelly said...

soldier's wife,
See it is a sore subject... It is even worse when you forget and it locks you out and you have to call
the stupid 1-800 number and then they ask you the questions that aren't right...


Shelly said...

Wow only 2 they must contain everything to pass muster..


Bag Blog said...

I'm kind of like Buck. A couple of passwords do it for me and they are simple and related, but then, I am a bit of a blonde.